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en Francais

News of the week


April 23 of April 27 - 2005


Jean-Claude Juncker, exercising the presidency of the European Union until the end of the semester, reiterated the responsibility of the French referendum for the integration process. He accentuated his thesis that a French “no” would severely harm the process for 20 years.
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The government has submitted the ratification bill to the parliament (Nationalrat). The final vote is expected for the end of May.
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Following an opinion poll from April 20th, conducted on behalf of the institute CSA, the percentage of people voting “no” has known a slight decline of 4 points. At the moment, 52% of the French population would vote against the Constitution.
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Parliament / Czech Republic
Speaking to journalists on April 20th, Prominent MEPs have rebuffed the Czech President's strong stance against the EU Constitution.
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